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Eternal Temptation Page 3
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Page 3
Her core wet with excitement, Cassie pulled her mouth away and licked her lips at the sight. She’d never seen a man come before. It was the most erotic thing she’d ever seen in her life.
His breathing slowed and his eyes never left hers. She gently pulled back from his wrist and let her fangs recede back into her gums.
The space between her legs was wet and hot, craving something long and hard from him. She licked her lips and couldn’t stop her gaze from falling to his semen-covered cock. Was he sticky? Creamy? What would he taste like? Would he be warm or hot against her tongue?
She started to move closer, her tongue longing for a taste, but he stood abruptly and went to the sink. He washed his hand clean and put himself back in his pants. She could see the stiff tension in his back; it radiated off him in angry waves. Surely he wouldn’t be angry for having an orgasm. Right?
When he turned back, all hint of desire was long gone. Rage filled its place. His deep voice was cut short with anger. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?” she asked nervously, scooting back against the cot—as far away as she could from him in the small cabin.
“You knew that my body would respond that way. Why didn’t you tell me?” He spoke in a moderated voice as if he was trying hard to keep from shouting.
Apprehension had her crossing her arms across her chest. She smiled though, the pain already lessening in her face from his healing blood. “I wanted it to be a surprise. Besides I thought you might already know what a vampire’s bite feels like, or rather, does.”
He looked like he was about to say something but then he turned and left the cabin, the door slamming shut behind him.
Cassie’s shoulders slumped and guilt nagged at her. She shoved it back though. She didn’t think he’d be that upset about it, after all. God, he’d looked so gorgeous when he was coming. All the tension from before had disappeared in those precious moments leaving only him and her. Even the lines around his eyes had eased.
It seemed like forever before he came back. He took his stew off the fire and poured a bowl. She watched him eat in silence for all of thirty seconds.
“So, Darien Kategan, what are you doing all the way out here by yourself?” He finished chewing before answering.
“That’s none of your business.” The anger was there but nearly as bad as it was before.
“Oh, come on now, don’t be so shy.”
Suddenly he looked at her, his eyes dark and serious. “Why don’t you tell me who gave you that?” He said nodded pointedly to the bruises on her face. “And I’ll tell you why I’m out here.”
Cassie looked away and nibbled her lip. There’s no way she could tell him. Not that. Mutely, she shook her head and he went back to eating.
God, something must have been knocked loose when she passed out earlier because she was actually disappointed he didn’t pursue her. Wasn’t he curious? Didn’t he want to know why she was bruised and out here, wherever this was, alone? Well not enough to push her apparently. She sighed and crossed her arms. She wouldn’t tell him anyways.
“Just what I thought,” he said in that rich, velvety voice of his.
“Do you have to talk like that?” she asked angrily.
A dark brow lifted. “Like what?”
“Like that,” she waved her hand at him. He glared at her, then turned back to his food. She’d never seen a man look so lost and yet here at the same time. It must be hard.
“Listen I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t know you’d be so angry about the whole orgasm thing.” His eyes, dark like hot chocolate, peered at her with an intensity that took her breath away. If someone told her that this man could read her every thought, she’d believe it. Unable to take his gaze anymore, she stood and started pacing in front of the cot.
“I mean come on. Anyone who knows anything about vampires knows that when we drink it’s an orgasmic experience.” He frowned and looked away. The connection between them lost and she wanted to go back to it. Trying for truth instead, she rushed to say, “I wanted to make you feel good.”
He didn’t say anything to her for the rest of the night.
She couldn’t help but feel like she’d tread on some touchy subject. She just didn’t know which one it was. Him living out here alone or having a sexy orgasm. God, she could hardly believe he’d actually pulled himself out like that. That was unexpected!
All she did know was that she wanted to know everything about the giant lykaen. She’d never met one before, or if she did, then she never realized it. No, she’d never miss someone who smelled let alone looked like him.
She’d always pictured them to be...hairier. With bigger teeth maybe.
Darien’s hair was perfect though. A shade of stubble grazed his jaw and neck and she could easily see him sporting a trimmed beard. Seeeexy.
When she yawned, he finally turned to look at her. She’d never seen someone not talk so much. He was probably doing it just to irritate her at this point. She kinda didn’t blame him though.
“Take the cot.” She looked at the cot that barely looked big enough to fit his big body in it.
“No, really I can’t. I’ll be fine on the floor.” His eyes were hard and unflinching as he stared at her.
“You’ll do what I say or you’re out of here.” O-kay, Mr. Grouchie Giant. Wishing like hell she had a hair tie for her hair, Cassie climbed aboard the miniature bed. A soft sigh left her. It was surprisingly soft around her and it smelled like him. Not so bad at all. Her lykaen. She chuckled softly and turned on her side to watch him in the firelight. She was so not a creeper, she told herself.
“You’re very kind.” No answer. “Thank you.” Nothing. So she tried, “I really am sorry about before.” Still no answer. Her frustration level rose like a boiling thermometer. “I find you intriguing.” He shook his head side to side as if he was on the verge of either strangling her or getting a migraine.
“If you knew everything about me then you’d find that I’m anything but intriguing, Cassie.” Shivers trembled over her, making her heart speed up. The cabin was dark except for the orange, flickering light of the fire. It crackled and made the room smell of wood and Darien. Two wonderful smells when combined together made a deadly and seductive combo.
I’m not so sure about that was what she wanted to say. But instead, she sighed, “Are all lykaens so sexy?”
His head turned sharply to hers. Anger bracketed his mouth. “Go to sleep, Cassandra.”
She glared at him. “No need to be rude. It was a serious question.” Okay, half-serious.
“Please just go to bed woman.”
“Ha, I bet all lykaens aren’t such grumpy giants.” With voices that make me melt. She heard him sigh, but whatever, she was done. She rolled over in a huff and closed her eyes.
With his scent rolling around her and the soft cushion of the bed gently supporting her tired body, she was out like a light.
* * *
He was chasing her again. Fear clutched her throat like death’s grip. She pumped her arms faster, screaming inwardly at her legs to move!
“Come back to me, Cassandra.” His cold voice trailed after her sounding both faraway and close at the same time.
Cassie was outside. The night was so black the sky looked like inky tar above her, blocking out the moonlight and stars. The soft thump of footsteps trailed after her, taunting her. He didn’t have to let her know he was there; he enjoyed tormenting her with fear, letting her know how close he could get.
“If you come back now, I promise everything will be okay.”
“Yeah, right.” Her heart was beating too fast, any second now and it’d explode in her chest. He was a liar. She used to believe those lies, but now she knew better. She learned from her mistakes.
“Tell me where you are,” he hissed. Cassie sobbed as cold breath trailed across the back of her neck. She never stopped running. The scenery changed, morphing from a flat field to a thick forest.
She leapt over fallen
trees and rocks then ran smack into the middle of a hard tree and cried out as the wood bit into her hands. Shaking, she had only a terrifying moment to look down to see the harsh red scrapes on her palms before she he flashed in front of her.
“No!” She got up and ran. No matter how hard she pumped her arms or pushed her legs, he was right there behind her.
“Cassandra.” A big booming laugh filled the forest, somehow echoing from all directions until her eardrums were barricaded with the horrible sound.
“Stop,” she whispered ruggedly. The landscape changed so suddenly that she yelped and grabbed onto a tree branch to stop her momentum. The land in front of her was shifting, morphing like a gaseous entity into a dark, watery mud pit. Cassie bent down to her knees, gasping in large gulps of air for her burning throat. Sweat ran down her face and neck, sticking to her shirt like a second skin.
“You can’t run from me, Cassandra. You will never be free of me.”
“Like hell I can’t.” Determination hardening her, she stood and stepped her foot into the mud. Her leg sank to the ankle. The mud was cold and wet, gripping her ankle like little hands. She stepped her other leg, again and again, wading through the mud until her calves were deep in the brown sod.
A cold presence filled the area behind her, stilling it like ice. A sob broke through her lips and shaking started in her knees and spread to her hands. She couldn’t move, no matter how much she told herself to lift her legs and run, she was powerless—frozen in fear.
Ice cold fingers wrapped around the front of her chest, pulling her back into his cold body.
Tears ran down her heated cheeks. “Please don’t.” The grip on her throat tightened, squeezing her so hard she was wheezing in air.
His pale face pressed hard against the side of hers, his hard, unforgiving voice a hiss in her ear. “Tell me where you are.” He squeezed her harder, choking all the air from her throat. Panic filled her, had her throwing elbows back that met with nothing but empty air. Finally he released his grip on her, allowing her to speak.
“Hawaii. I like the pineapple down here,” she croaked. She waited for one long moment as he did nothing.
Then his grip tightened, his sharp nails digging painfully into her skin until it broke. His hand slid away, then both of his arms were locked around her in an unmovable grip. He pinned her arms to her side, pulled her roughly against his chest, and bit down on her neck.
The bite was bruising, burning, stinging like salt on a wound. He growled, sucking hard, pulling every ounce of life out of her.
Cassie sobbed, cried out for help that wasn’t there. Blackness muddied her vision. It flickered on and off like a dying lamp. Then as the last drop of blood left her, she floated down to the mud her cheek hitting the cold, wet surface.
He wasn’t laughing anymore, but his voice trailed after her as blackness receded over her eyes. Death. Death was coming.
“I’m coming for you.”
Mud slid over her cheek, up her nose, and over her eyes, until finally everything was black.
Chapter 4
Cassie’s eyes popped open and she scanned the room expecting to find him and his men towering over her. Emptiness greeted her though, and she released the breath she’d been holding. Empty but for her and the lykaen.
It was early morning. The sun was just coming up and casting light through the single window by the front the door, lighting the cabin in a dim orange glow.
The lykaen giant slept in the same chair from last night, facing the dying fire. In sleep his brows were drawn down into a furrow, his lips pulled into a frown. Maybe he didn’t have good dreams either. Though she seriously doubted he was being stalked by a heavy-handed vampire bent on marrying him.
Yeah, right.
He was very handsome. His hair had come loose from his ponytail and now rested in uneven waves across his shoulder. It wasn’t too long, just coming past his shoulders. She couldn’t help but wonder if he kept it long for stylish reasons or because he just didn’t care anymore. Though if there was one impression she did get from the man it was--I don’t give a fuck.
Darien Kategan, what are your secrets?
A thought floated through her head like a feather in the wind. She almost laughed aloud and quickly stamped out the idea. She couldn’t, could she? A soft part of her, a very feminine part, wanted to so badly.
She frowned, a deep sadness filling her. Daniel was going to find her eventually. She couldn’t stay here or Daniel would kill Darien. The thought of Darien getting hurt because of her brought an intense pain to her chest. No, she’d have to leave soon. But first, there was something she had to do. Something she craved doing with such power that it was like some other force pushing her to do it.
She wanted to learn about Darien Kategan. She wanted to bring him pleasure, and in return, her own. Because what she was looking forward to for the very long rest of her life was going to be hell. Most of all, she wanted to do this because she sensed the heated connection between them was so much more that she’d ever thought possible.
As quietly as possible, she sat up in the cot, pressing her bare feet to the cool wood floor. She waited to see if he heard her. When he didn’t move, she put pressure into her feet and stood inch by inch.
When she stood all the way up, she looked at him, nervously biting her lip. Could she really do this? She’d never done anything so wild and crazy. She looked over him, noting the way his arms were crossed even in sleep. Somehow that thought gave her all the courage she needed.
Darien Kategan needed her help, and she was going to give it to him. Whether he wanted it or not. This lykaen giant needed someone.
She took one small step forward, her toes barely putting pressure on the wood. When it didn’t creak, she pressed all her weight on it and slowly, gradually made her way closer to him. His back must hurt from sleeping in that hardback chair. Silly man. Oh well, she’d pay him back for letting her have the cot.
Her eyes fell wide and alert to his face as she watched him for any movement. Slowly, as if any quick movement would set a bomb off, she knelt in between his longs legs. He’d kicked them out at some point during the night. Hell, he still wore his dried muddy boots from yesterday.
Her knees dug into the floor and only when she sat all the way down did she softly let go of the breath she’d been holding on to.
Taking a deep breath, she held it as she slowly reached out to the waistband of his jeans. Oh so gently, she pressed just her fingertip to metal button, watching his eyes, expecting to see them jump open at anytime. His head lolled further to the side but otherwise, no movement. His chest rose and fell in a steady, deep rhythm.
After waiting several seconds she brought her other hand into the mix and oh so carefully popped open the button of his jeans. Immediately she pulled back, her arms held up like a cop just told her to freeze. Any second now he’d come roaring awake and yell at her again. Seconds passed and then, nothing.
Breathing freely once again, she gently lifted the tab of his zipper, wincing as she did. She kept her eyes trained on his face as she tugged at the zipper. It hissed loudly in the quiet cabin and she waited, bracing herself for him to fling open his eyes. He didn’t.
There was a hard pressure pushing against his zipper, helping her to pull it down the rest of the way in one easy tug. Her jaw dropped open as his cock sprung out, hard and swollen. The man did not wear underwear and she never thought she’d be happy about that.
Close to moaning, she bit her lip and quickly peered up at his face to make sure he was still asleep. His eyes were closed, his dark lashes laying a thick crescent against his face.
Her bravery faltered as she eyed his erect cock. Surely lykaen cocks must be bigger than others. She’d never seen a vampire’s as big as this. Not that she’d really seen many in her life, and even then they were only glimpses, but it must hurt taking that thing inside a woman. Well he was a giant of a man, so it suited him well, she supposed.
Using only her thumb an
d index finger, she grabbed it by the tips of her fingers. Encouraged by his deep even breaths, she leaned forward and parted her lips. She was already wet and she hadn’t even tasted him yet and she was dying to. Her mouth watered and she darted her tongue to swipe across the tip of his cock.
Her eyes quickly flung up to his face and in the process, her grip tightened hard around his cock.
Shit, she muttered inwardly and loosened her grip. It was already too late though because he groaned and somehow leaned even further back into the chair. The action thrust his hips toward her and enveloped her further between his longlegs.
She grinned wantonly. See I knew you needed me Darien Kategan.
Gripping him loosely in her fist, she parted her lips and took the tip of him into her mouth. The first taste was heaven. He tasted like he smelled, like raw man but so much more. He was so much more potent this way.
She trained her eyes on his face, watching for any sign of him waking up. Nothing, so she bobbed further down his cock, wetting his stiff flesh. Desire flooded through her. The naughtiness of the act combined with his potent taste flooded her panties with cream. Images flashed through her mind of Darien waking up, then taking her body again and again without remorse or apologies. Just taking.
Moaning, she licked her way up his cock then swallowed him again, creating what she hoped was the perfect rhythm to make him explode in her mouth. She had to know what he tasted like. Had to know what his seed would feel like on her tongue.
She sucked him deep again and again, her mouth so wet that saliva dripped over her loose fist and down to his heavy sac below. The sight was so sexy she long since stopped watching his face. She didn’t care if he woke up. She wanted to give this to him—had to.