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Tempting Whispers: The Kategan Alphas 6 Page 12

  She took a tour of the house with Christine and even said a brief hello to her mate, Dmetri, when he finally tore his gaze away from the newspaper. He still looked as good as ever. His hair had been snipped though. It looked good on him. It fell just around his shoulders, and almost made him look a bit younger. The house was massive, a mansion really. Christine showed her each of the suits, the expansive library, and the gardens outside. None it made her feel better though. In fact, each new room she walked through, her eyes narrowed on the clock.

  The garden was lovely and elaborate. A maze of hedges led down a path of soft green grass to a circular enclosure. More tall hedges gave the inner space a separated, private feel. Pretty brickwork covered the ground and a fountain with cement benches surrounded it. Vanessa stared into the watery font and frowned. Five hours. He’d been gone even longer she was sure, since that was just when she’d woken up. He couldn’t call? After the terrifying experience yesterday, he couldn’t even shake her shoulder and wake her up? Could he not write? A damned note would have served just as well.

  An arm curling around her shoulders jerked her out of her nasty thoughts. “Hey, what’s bothering you?” asked Christine.

  “Nothing…I just feel kind of cramped-up here.” She flushed at the lie. Okay, it wasn’t quite a lie, but even she knew it sounded ridiculous, considering she was standing on God knows how many acres of land right now with only twirping birds to bother her.

  “Wanna go out and get dinner?”

  Vanessa’s eyes lit up. “Great idea! Can we go now?”

  Christine nodded and they split ways to get dressed. Vanessa’s eyes narrowed in focus. Each step up the stairs to her room was a heavy thud. In her room, she tore through her bag of clothes and found the sexiest dress she had. She grinned down at it as she started pulling her clothes off. She’d made the right choice in buying it. It wasn’t particularly tight, but where it showed skin it did so with sleek straight cuts of material that somehow made a simple V-neck top look more daring and sexy than usual.

  She pulled the dress on, slid on a pair of flats, since her other bag with various clothes and shoes was missing, probably crushed in the accident.

  “Gah!” she growled.

  Marching to the bathroom, she tore a brush through her hair catching on some rats, but yanking harder. He couldn’t even stay to tell her about the accident! Like, was anyone else hurt? Was he hurt? Or, you know, maybe just a text message letting her know what the heck had happened. Was that too much to ask for? Apparently so, she thought and slicked on some mascara.

  On her way out the door, she snatched her cell phone from the table. Christine came out a minute later, Dmetri hot on her trail. He had a fierce frown on his face and Christine positively glowed. Chuckling, Vanessa turned toward them to watch.

  Dmetri snatched her by the arm and spun her into him. “You’re not leaving.”

  “Sure, I am. Why, are you gonna miss me, baby?” she purred, her lashes batting. Vanessa glanced down, and yup, her ass was shaking.

  Dmetri snatched her by the waist so fast, Christine giggled as he brought her up to eye level. He buried his face in in her neck and whispered something too low for Vanessa to hear. Christine’s smile bloomed as she melted against him, her entire body curling around his with a sigh.

  He pulled back, kissed her hard then said, “That’s what I thought.”

  Vanessa’s jaw dropped as he then spun on his heel with her in his arms and stormed back inside. Just before he kicked the door closed, Christine snapped out of her sexy haze, grinned at Vanessa, then tossed a pair of keys to her. Vanessa didn’t bother trying to catch them. She was enthralled watching the couple so obviously in love having fun. The door slammed closed and then giggles and masculine threats sounded as his heavy steps bounded up the stairs.

  A small shiver passed over her. Would Brayden ever need her like that? Could he, was the better question. Shaking her head, she grabbed the keys then headed to the carport. A man with gray hair and sharply receding hairline already stood out front. He wore an all-black suit with a black shirt underneath—he looked dressed and ready for his own funeral.

  Vanessa strode toward him. “Which car belongs to these?”

  He held his hand up and out. She hesitated for a moment, then tossed them. Unlike her fail, he caught them easily. “These would be for the lady’s Mercedes. Just a moment, please.” A few seconds later, the butler pulled a sleek black car out of the port and got out with the keys in and still running.

  “Thanks,” she said and took off.

  Her butt slid around on the leather, her legs felt silky on the cold cushion beneath her. She drove aimlessly carrying only her purse, phone, and a little of the money she still had left. With the first busy restaurant she saw, she snagged a parking spot and got out. She ran a nervous hand down her stomach. It was getting dark and now she wished she’d brought her pocketknife. She hadn’t realized her mistake until she felt that same prickling fear down the back of her neck.

  She jerked her head behind her, her breath caught hard in her throat, eyes wide, but only saw a group of people climbing out of their car in the parking lot. She kept walking, making herself put one foot in front of the other. She kept her chin up and tried to keep her eyes focused straight, but she wasn’t strong enough to do it. The night seemed to be closing in on her faster and faster as the sun set in the distance. Each step closer to the restaurant brought the shadows of night in on her quicker and quicker.

  She gasped and fled to the well-lit restaurant, to the cheery music playing over the speakers. Her heart clamored a raucous beat in her ears, booming so loud it was all she could hear. Her foot caught on the pavement and she slid for a second before righting herself. She flew to the door, whipped it open, and stopped inside it. Faces turned to her, some sitting on benches with arms wrapped around loved ones. They gazed at her with wide eyes and strange expressions.

  Vanessa forced herself to stand still, to breathe through her nose and not run back out. Somehow, she managed to keep herself from looking back one more time to make sure he wasn’t there. Gradually the people blinked, their gazes wandering back to what they were doing and Vanessa could finally breathe again.

  She went to the hostess and requested a table.

  “No tables are open right now but you can sit at the bar if you like.”

  “Perfect.” Just what she needed, a strong drink.

  As time went by and more than a couple drinks went in her belly, the more she realized this was a mistake. Coming here, or anywhere for that matter, with Christine would have been fine. Safety lay in numbers. Now she was all alone.

  Oh, God. She finished the last of her strawberry margarita and let the chilly iced drink roll around on her tongue before she swallowed. It just hit her.

  “God, I’m stupid,” she muttered burying her face in her hand.

  She only felt safe with him. Of course, it made sense. How it didn’t really hit her until now showed just how stupid she was. A buzzing noise caught her attention. Mumbling to herself, she rummaged in the small purse on the bar until she grabbed her phone. She hadn’t really paid much attention to the phone before which was obviously a mistake. The phone was small and black. After she hit the power button on it to turn on the screen, she had to slide this little key button across the screen to even unlock the phone.

  “Fancy schmancy.”

  There were all kinds of icons for stuff she either didn’t recognize or had never used. But at the top of the screen, a green bar flashed at her. She pressed her thumb to it, then her breath caught. A text messaging box popped up and the name of the person on the ‘from’ line sent her heart racing with excitement. Brayden Erickson. The message was something else entirely. She did a quick scan around the restaurant for him. Had he found her? Would he come after her again?

  She re-read the message again, all of her fears vanishing with the excitement that only Brayden Erickson could bring.

  What the hell do you think you’re do

  Her lips twitched with a smile. It felt so good making him mad, she didn’t know why. Her thumbs flew across the small keyboard, then backspaced a lot when she made a slew of typing errors.

  Getting a drink. Why?

  You better get your ass home now.

  Anger surged and she typed faster. Why? Where were you when I woke up?


  That’s it. One word. Was that supposed to make her feel better? Too busy to leave a note, apparently.

  Indeed, he replied in an instant.

  Yeah well, I’ll come back when I’m ready.

  If you’re not ready right now, then I’m coming for you. You won’t like it, trust me.

  “Ha,” she laughed. With a final swig, she downed the last of her icy margarita. Maybe you won’t like me if I come home. I’m pissed at you.

  His reply gave her pause. Why?

  She started to give in, relinquish her anger, but then she remembered waking up in a damned strange house with no sign of Brayden and anger won out.

  Because you left me alone in a strange place after a horrible accident. I still don’t even know what happened!

  She stared at her phone for a full thirty seconds waiting for a response. Nothing came. She clicked the phone on and off and still nothing. Frantic, she darted another look around the restaurant, but no tall vampire lurked waiting for her.

  She hadn’t realized she’d been aching for him to respond until her phone buzzed with the incoming message. She quickly swiped her finger to unlock the phone and read his message, twice.

  I had things to do. I tried to get it done while you were still asleep. Took a lot longer than expected.

  Was that supposed to be some kind of vague apology? Well, unless he really said it, she wasn’t buying any of it.

  Yeah, and I went out. Oh, well. I’ll be back when I’m done here. She glanced at her drink and new she was done. Any more drinks and she wouldn’t be safe to drive. She’d had just enough to feel loose and good but not dizzy and drunk.

  You’re going to come back now or I’m coming to get you. Don’t make me. You won’t like it.

  “Whatever,” she muttered and closed the phone, shoving it back in her purse.

  She’d go, but not because he told her to. She was going because she couldn’t drink any more. Not because he ordered her to. She slid money across the bar, nodded to the cute bartender, then started through the restaurant. She mentally tried to prepare herself for what was to come. He’d be all mad and demanding; she’d be forced to either cave in or fight back. Well, she had the urge to get into a good ole’ fight with Brayden. It was the least he deserved for the stunt he pulled this morning.

  You don’t just leave someone you supposedly care about like that, she thought. She stopped in the restroom to wash her hands. But did he care about her? He’d said he wanted her, but that wasn’t caring. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. She didn’t like how sad her eyes looked. With a weary sigh, she forced a smile, dried her hands on the brown paper towels, then left. She deserved it all. A man who cared and wanted her. She’d had a mate who just ‘wanted’ her for all kinds of things. That didn’t work for her—at all.

  A young girl, wearing a black T-shirt with the logo of the restaurant, opened the front door for her as she passed. Vanessa said a thank you, then stopped as she scanned the parking lot for her car. She couldn’t see it from here; two lanes of parked cars blocked her. The lot was lit with the yellow beacons from the street lights. She hated how cowardly it made her, but she clenched her purse hard over her shoulder and kept to the well-lit parts. It meant she had to walk a longer way to get to where she parked, but she made it.

  She spotted the black Mercedes squeezed between a dark blue mini-van and a yellow Mustang and sighed. Her flats slapped across the pavement as she rushed to it, keys already in hand. Before she reached the trunk, her phone buzzed. Her gaze shot around the parking lot once more before she dug the phone out of her purse. Her heart started thumping. Another text message. She unlocked her phone and clicked on the messaging box.

  Good choice.

  She frowned at the message. How did he know? The feeling came quickly, or maybe she’d just become aware of it. She turned around slowly, her gaze leveled on that familiar strong chest, then slowly rose to meet bright gray eyes. Two thoughts instantly floated through her mind. Busted. Dayum!

  “You’ve been here the whole time?”

  He didn’t say anything, didn’t even nod.

  “Guess that’s answer enough,” she muttered.

  “I don’t think I made something clear to you,” he said in a low, controlled voice.

  Her back snapped to attention, her wide eyes to his. “What?” Instinct warned her to back up, to run to her car and jump in and away from this dangerous man, while her body agreed completely, but for different reasons. Her body wanted him to catch her, punish her in a way that made her blood warm and flow thick like syrup through her body.

  He took a step toward her. She took one back. His gaze stayed on hers, unwavering. “You belong to me now. The moment you freely touched me and let me touch you, everything changed.”

  Her chest pulled tight and hard. “What do you mean, belong?”

  He took another step closer. A breeze blew across them and rippled his shirt across his chest. A chest she knew firsthand was hard and strong with a strength she’d never felt before.

  “It means, you’re mine. It means, you don’t leave without telling me you’re going somewhere. It means, you don’t wear,” his eyes slid down her body in a way that made her skin crawl, “clothes like that when I’m not around. You got that?”

  She snapped her teeth together. That’s it. She was done. She turned and headed for the driver’s side, but he caught her. He grabbed her hand and tugged her back. His chest curled around her back, his hips pressed against her bottom. A fluttery sigh left her. He felt so good around her, safe and secure.

  “I asked you a question.”

  She almost laughed. “I know, and you got my answer.”

  An arm, corded with muscle wrapped around her waist, pulled her back flush against him. Her breath caught as he lengthened, hardened against her bottom. “That’s not going to work, Vanessa. All it would have taken was a phone call. Did you ever think about that?” he said into her ear. Chills swept from her neck to arms making her shake. She didn’t know if it was the arousal slowly building inside her or the way his breath blew across her ear when he spoke that close.

  Did she ever think about picking up the phone and calling him today? “No. No, I didn’t think about that. Even if I’d thought to call you, I wouldn’t have thought you’d pick up to answer me.”

  His other arm wrapped around the top of her chest, shoulder to shoulder. For just a second his lips pressed to her neck. She heard him inhale and his eyes fluttered closed. This was the feeling she loved. Being with him, being in his arms, feeling his affection for her, almost as if he did really care about her. Maybe even loved her. Bitterness crept in at the thought. As if he would love her. No one loved her. Not now, not ever.

  His arms were turning her to face him, his big hands, so capable and sturdy, tilting her face up. Lips passed across hers in a gentle swipe. “Open your eyes.” She shook her head and squeezed her eyes tighter. The pain in her heart was too much. He’d never love her. Never care about her like she did for him. “Look at me, Vanessa.” The command in his voice sent her eyes flying open. She hadn’t meant to do it, but he’d ordered and she reacted.

  “Good, beautiful, good.” His eyes were warm, soft, and electric with intensity. “You call me, I’m there. You text me, I’m there. I answer. I listen. You mean something to me.” He blinked and his eyelids stayed low and soft. “Let me take care of you.”

  A hard shiver racked through her. She blinked fast as her emotions created mayhem inside her. Her lips trembled. She reached up and twisted her hands into the shirt around his neck. What the hell, she’d go with honesty. “I
want that. I want whatever’s between us not just to be...something physical. I want it all. And with how I already feel about you...” Her heart slammed to a stop in her chest. She squeezed her eyes shut as her hands clenched even harder. She hadn’t meant to say that. Oh, God. Oh, God. Maybe he hadn’t really realized what she’d started to say.

  A soft breath blew across her lips, then firm lips covered hers, sweeping away all thoughts until she was engulfed in only beauty and pleasure. He curled her into him as if he couldn’t bear to have space between them. He tasted her, the kiss growing harder, hungrier. She kissed him back with fervent need, trying to express just how much she needed him in that kiss.

  The honk of a car pulled them away. He was breathing just as hard as she was; his eyes glittered with something dark and smoldering.

  “Get in the car and drive home. I’ll be right behind you.”

  “Okay.” She couldn’t move, didn’t even want to leave the warmth of his arms.

  He smiled a little, then took the keys, unlocked the door, and put her inside the car. “Drive. Remember, I’ll be right behind you.”

  “Okay,” she said again and smiled back at him. She liked his smile. It warmed everything about him, made him look more approachable, which was some feat. She managed to start the car on her own and when he left and disappeared behind the rows of cars, she couldn’t hide her disappointment.

  She pulled out of the parking spot and slowly left the lot; she perked up as the black SUV rounded in behind her. The windows were tinted too dark to see inside, but she smiled and waved at him through her rearview mirror.

  She drove all the way back to Dmetri’s place with a goofy smile on her face and Brayden’s black SUV trailing her.

  Chapter 14

  Vanessa hopped out of the car and tossed the keys to the nice valet standing nearby. She glanced down the driveway and saw Brayden’s black SUV coming up behind her. Her stomach rolled with nerves. She pressed a hand to it but it didn’t help. Something big was coming. She could feel it deep inside of her. His car came to a stop behind the Mercedes and as he pulled his lithe, strong body out, she tugged her lip between her teeth. His eyes met hers, still dark and sexy as they’d been before they left the restaurant. But this time something else lingered in his eyes, something breath-catching and incredible. This had to be the something big coming. Because her heart just stuttered and she fell more than a little bit in love.